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«Чи можуть кити проплисти під островом?» або ТОП-6 дурних запитань від туристів
Степан Козел Березень 28, 2024
Відпочинок на яхті, страховий депозит і хостес. Рекомендації команди Sailica, як спланувати яхтову подорож
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ТОП-8 місць, де орудують пірати. Це потрібно знати кожному моряку!
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ТОП-5 найкращих яхт для Середземноморського чартеру за версією Sailica
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Як створити чартерну компанію в Хорватії: історія Вадима Єстаф'єва з Under the Heavens
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Поради новачкам або топ 5 причин терміново планувати подорож на яхті
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Відгуки про Sailica

Rinke Tiegel
Full recommendation. Great service & support. We chartered a Beneteau 45 in Athens for our trip around Peloponnes. Great service and perfect customer support from beginning to the end. Due to corona we had to postpone our trip - Sailica managed all the communication with the charter agency and negotiated a great new deal for us. This was already the 2nd time we charted with Sailica and it won't be the last time. Full recommendation
Kyle Redstone
I took Dufour Grand Large 560 at Croatia using online yacht rental service It's easy to use their mobile app with fair prices and enough quantity of boats which suits to my parameters. Their managers assisted me through whole communication with charter company. It was pleasant to receive a small gift – free of charge transfer from airport to marina. We didn't request it and appreciate their overexpected level of service.
Julian Lehmann
Amazing 1 week in Turkey! I sailed with Sailica on a tour in the gulf of Fethiye in Turkey. Overall it was a great experience and a great crew, even if I did not know them before. The area is amazingly beautiful and if you go in April you can avoid the crowds. The skipper was very proficient and knew what he was doing. Highly recommended!
Mykyta Semenoff
Great company! The guys answered all our questions which were very important since it was our first sailing experience. Moreover, they advised us not only on a charter but also on the tour itself. This was not the responsibility of the company, but we needed help and the company managers helped us for free. I highly recommend the team. The guys are really reliable, proactive and customer-oriented.
Vadim Rogovskiy
Excellent trip to Croatia! The trip was organized on an excellent level since the very beginning - from the yacht search to the trip itself. The team was fast and responsive. Highly recommended to everyone who wants to hang out with family on a beautiful yacht or catamaran!

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